New Knight’s Armament Suppressor FAQ – 2023
PSD2023-02-23T10:09:50-06:00What's New?
KAC Suppressors
Knight's Armament has teased new 3D printed suppressors in the mid-section of 2022. We've seen some of these suppressors at the KAC Birthday Bash, at AUSA, Shot Show 2023, and other events. Below will cover some questions that have been asked and hopefully provide some insight into what we as dealers are being told.
KAC is quoting about 3-6 months from today (late Feb 2023). When they begin shipping we will send out notices. Until then they are still not available.
We have the new line of suppressors listed right now under the suppressor section (click below) The pricing listed is the accurate pricing for each new suppressor.
The new cans with the QDC collars will work with all the existing caliber specific QDC mounts. You will not need to get new mounts.
The best way to know when they’ll be released is to sign up for our newsletter and product alert emails. We are not taking pre-orders on the suppressors seeing how there is no hard delivery date for them.
Direct dealers like ourselves have large orders for these suppressors, and some of the first orders in the system for the new suppressors. We do not know which SKUs we will receive yet until we get the shipping invoices (e.g. a batch of 7.62 suppressors or 5.56s or a mix.) However, once these begin shipping we expect a steady constant flow of these suppressors to hit our inventory every month.
The previous QDC models of suppressors that are outstanding orders are being converted into the new suppressor line orders. Should you expect to see any of the old QDC suppressor? I would say that is very unlikely. Lead times on suppressors like MK11 and M110 suppressors are still unknown and will probably not be fulfilled for a long time (this is my guess and not from KAC).
This is why I highly discourage people from pre-orders of inventory with no delivery date because if you pre-ordered a previous generation QDC your odds of it being fulfilled are slim and instead will be fulfilled with the new 3D printed ones (which some people are perfectly ok with!)